Start Your Healing Journey Today
Transcend Trauma Today
Trauma is the Real Gateway Drug
Trauma creates blockages in our lives and it impacts every aspect of how we interact with the world around us. Childhood trauma has the largest impact on our development affecting our self-worth, relationships, health, financial status, identity, overall quality of life, how your body is shaped and so much more. Trauma plays a huge role in the programming process of our subconscious mind cultivating maladaptive behaviors, thoughts, emotional outburst and numbness This program was necessary during that traumatic period in your life. However, that subconscious program is causing you more harm than it is helping you. Breathe Into My Soul is cultivated to help you break down those harmful programs while rebuilding new and improved ones.
Transcend Trauma Into Passion.
To Transform Oneself is to Transform One’s Reality
Are you constantly operating in the same patterns within your relationships, thought patterns, behaviors, emotional expressions, work & financial identity. If so, this is the program that will help you train your mind to transform your reality!
Transform From The Inside Out.
Take a Moment and Laugh at Yourself.
This program will unlock deep emotional wombs by unleashing our creative side by using movement, dance, art, poetry, painting, fasting, writing, yoga, meditation, music, laughter and exercise. We can reprogram the brain by allowing our emotions to flow through us in a healthy way and embracing our playfulness.
Play, Laughter & Creativity.
Latisha Johnson Mayers, RN
For a long time, I was...."functioning" in my depression and my trauma because that's what I thought I was supposed to do just to keep it moving. I participated in the program via zoom and it was LIFE CHANGING. I had to confront issues that made me uncomfortable and areas of concern that I didn't know was affecting me, my health or my family. I felt encouraged and support in a space that granted grace to be that. It's been over a year and I utilize theses teachings at home and in my professional practice. I am grateful for the instagram search that led me to this program. It truly was the foundation for me in my spiritual practices and healing as I live out my purposes here on Earth.
Jessica Oropeza, RN, BSN
The yoga experience with Maliya opened my mind to new possibilities, challenged my body, and brought peace to my soul. My first time doing yoga was with Maliya and I couldn’t of chosen a greater instructor. She is very patient. Her vibe is extremely peaceful and calm. Her voice will take you places in your mind you never thought possible.
Dr. Jennea Klingenberg, Psy.D
Doing yoga for the first time after having my daughter was challenging, but Maliya took her time and modified things as needed. I felt good afterward physically and emotionally. Maliya helped me understand that this is all a part of my healing process. My Rose Quartz crystal increases my ability for loving myself through my healing journey and I carry it everywhere I go. I look forward to continue my journey of healing.